Wollert Precinct Structure Plan (PSP)
The PSP is a long-term plan for urban development. It describes how the land is expected to be developed, and how and where services are planned to support development.
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Wollert is located in Melbourne’s north in the municipality of Whittlesea. Wollert is around 27km from the CBD. Wollert includes both rural-residential and rural areas and as urban development occurs, Wollert is expected to see robust population growth in the coming decades.
Wollert’s population currently includes couples, families and older persons. Going forward, Wollert is expected to accommodate an increasing number of young couples with and without children.
Wollert’s residents enjoy a rural-residential and rural lifestyle.
Wollert’s housing stock mostly includes larger houses set on large blocks in a diverse range of styles.
The nature and size of the local population, both now and in the future, is a key driver of property demand. Better understanding the local population can assist property buyers to make better decisions.People
Total Population
Median Age
Family Composition
Children per family
Total Employed
Top Occupation
Top Occupation % Share
Income $/week
Family composition
Couple without Children
Couple with Children
One Parent Family
Top age group
Top age number
Top age group % share
Industry of employment
Top Industry
Total Workers (in top industry)
Share of Employment
Dwelling tenure (number)
Owned outright
Owned with a mortgage
Location & Convenience
The PSP is a long-term plan for urban development. It describes how the land is expected to be developed, and how and where services are planned to support development.
Roads & Public transport
356 - Epping Station - Wollert East via Hayston Bvd
357 - Wollert West - Thomastown Station via Epping Station
358 - Epping Station - Wollert via Epping Plaza SC
Craigieburn Railway Station
Craigieburn Road E
Hume Fwy
Epping Road
Bridge Inn Road
Victorian data sourced from Public Transport Victoria (PTV) and VicRoads
Queensland data sourced from Queensland Government and TransLink
Employment Centres
The Wollert PSP includes a long-term development outlook which includes a range of employment drivers such as retail, commercial, education and other community facilities within major and neighbourhood town centres.
Plan Melbourne, the metropolitan planning strategy, establishes five new sub-regions to achieve a better balance between jobs and population growth across the city. Wollert is located in Melbourne's northern sub-region.
Places of state significance in the northern sub-region with significant implications for employment include:
National employment cluster – La Trobe (emerging)
Metropolitan activity centres – Broadmeadows, Epping, Lockerbie (future)
State-significant industrial precincts – Northern and identified future industrial precincts
Transport gateway – Melbourne Airport
Health and/or education precincts – Austin Hospital, Northern Hospital, Craigieburn Health Service,
La Trobe University, University Hill (includes RMIT Bundoora campuses).
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) 2011.